Our multilingual desktop publishing service ensures that your documents, presentations, and promotional materials maintain consistency in layout and design across multiple languages, all while catering to linguistic differences.
We Have In-depth Knowledge of Translation and Interpretation Training
Design Consistency: We ensure that your layout is consistent across all languages.
Multilingual Formatting: Expertise in adapting designs to accommodate various language lengths and scripts.
Technical Expertise: We work with different design software and file formats.
Multimedia Integration: We incorporate text, images, and graphics effectively across languages.
We create visually appealing, multilingual documents that meet your business’s design and linguistic needs.
See How Our Team Process At Work
Our desktop publishing team ensures your translated documents look professional and maintain original design integrity.
See How Our Team Process At Work
1. Design Analysis
We assess your source document for its design elements and multilingual needs.
2. Text Integration
Text in each language is properly formatted while maintaining consistent design and layout.
3. Visual Consistency
We ensure that images and multimedia elements align with the translated text.
4. Final Proofing
We conduct a final check for consistency across all language versions before delivery.